Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No,my God is not stronger than yours!

If we look at history normally the winner writes history and we regard it as the superior force. I admit I am guilty of the same behavior. But I realized we leave out one big chunk of reality: TIME!
A few years ago America (mean the USA) undisputed were the strongest power on this planet. Now, a few years later, a power is rising in the east and in a few years may be the ruler of the world. For some time!
And what has this to do with my statement that my God is not stronger than yours? I was involved in a little accident yesterday. I was riding my motorbike going home from shopping for lunch, when a little child ran into me. Luckily I was very slow and luckily the child run into my knee and fell on its butt. Nothing had happened no bruise but of course the child cried. The grandmother from the other side of the street grabbed the child and without checking it ran for a hospital.

We have the tendency to follow the strongest sports team, king, brand.... Sometimes I ask myself why, but then I think it is a matter of identification. We need a role model. I was passing the accident in my head. I found noting I was to blame for and did not want to blame the others for letting a toddler play in the street.
When the grandfather, a little official of the barangay came, he wanted to grab the keys of my motorbike and demanded to see my Id with a raised voice, without identify himself first. He was in plain street cloth except a hat which stated something of a function in the barangay. I raised my voice too, not because I was angry but I learnt that in Rome do as the Romans do. Later I learnt that he was the grandfather of the child, which to a certain degree explains his agitation. I had thought he is an "official" which sees the chance to have his big moment.
A while later a counselor of the barangy came and we could speak nicely. And a while later the child was back from hospital, things were sorted out.
It made me again understand how much we or I live on a fine line. I also could say I was protected. Anyway I was looking at the incident in my head. You know how this goes you jump from one picture to the other, if you are not emotional - if you are emotional and if it is a problem we do the same, but we do it in a loop and go back to the first picture and start all over again. It is also called worrying.
Well from this incident I jumped to the stories of the Bible, I think it was Eliah who was competing with a priest of the Baal religion which God was stronger.
Let us assume there is only ONE God out there.
So all other religions pray to the same God, but "their" God wears different clothing!
I am sure you have seen at least one movie where one and the same actor plays different roles. So God can do the same for sure!
Maybe I am a bad follower of my or our God because I do not want to fight you. Maybe fighting entertains God, but maybe God gives us something to fight to become stronger!
I love God! Not because IT makes me fight, i love my God because IT gives me the freedom to grow in my own speed. And I love God because with little incidents like yesterday I am reminded that live is NOT a random walk!
So my God is not stronger than your God, it is the same God in a different "disguise"!

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